Nutrition Coach

Optimize Your Well-Being Through Proper Nutrition

Nutrition coaching is the approach to achieving wellness through proper nutrition. Lilia Valitova works closely with you to assess your current dietary habits and provide recommendations to help you align your nutrition with your goals and lifestyle. With Lilia Valitova Wellness' holistic approach, we combine the power of nutrition with Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Callahan Technique to identify food sensitivities and recommend personalized dietary changes.

Start your wellness journey today and book an appointment with Lilia Valitova by emailing us at We are based in Healdsburg, CA, but we work with people worldwide through virtual consultations.

Our Approach to Nutrition

We believe in the power of nourishing your body with wholesome foods to enhance your overall well-being. When your body is well nourished, your mind is healthier too. By identifying and eliminating the foods and habits that make you unwell, you can be more productive and work towards achieving your goals.

How Does TFT Support Nutrition Coaching?

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Callahan Technique is a powerful tool we use with our nutrition coaching services. TFT helps identify and address emotional and psychological factors that may impact your relationship with food. By incorporating TFT into our approach, we can uncover any toxins, emotional blocks, or food sensitivities that may hinder your progress and recommend eliminating specific foods to achieve your goals.

Achieve your wellness goals through nutrition. Contact Lilia Valitova Wellness today.

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